If you have been charged with a federal crime, it’s a stressful, high-stakes situation which is very different from getting charged in the state system. It’s very important to remain silent if you are investigated for a federal case. Anything you say can not only get you charged with another offense but could potentially increase the penalties if you’re convicted. The federal government could spend years investigating individuals or groups before notifying them or making an arrest. If you say anything that leads federal agents to believe that additional crimes are being committed, they may be able to press charges for “conspiracy” even if there isn’t physical evidence. For example, if there’s a discussion of buying or selling drugs between two parties, federal agents may make an arrest even if they are unable to find any illegal substances. The supposed “drugs” in question are also known as “ghost dope.” Using your right to remain silent can prevent situations like these.
The government gives federal law enforcement agencies extensive resources to investigate, make arrests, and prosecute these crimes. Federal crimes typically involve offenses that impact national interests, such as drug trafficking, white-collar crimes, and federal tax evasion. If you are being investigated or have been arrested for a federal crime, it’s important to find an attorney who is skilled with navigating federal statutes, laws, and guidelines—someone who knows the battlefield. Our team has experience handling federal criminal cases and represent clients in Amarillo and Lubbock. For guidance regarding your federal criminal case, call our office at (806) 372-5711 as soon as possible.